Cultural Anchors

Leeds Cultural Anchors is an emerging programme which is shaping how we work with some of the city’s biggest cultural institutions to deliver cultural experiences and benefits across the city.

Cultural Anchor partners, currently Leeds Playhouse, Opera North and Northern Ballet, are funded for their capacity to generate significant inward investment into the city and to facilitate them in creating original year-round programmes of work which deliver local, national and international impact.

Access to the Cultural Anchors programme is by invitation only.
Please note: We are aware of a disparity in the budget template for Cultural Anchors. You still need to demonstrate that you have met the match funding criteria for Cultural Anchors. However due to the disparity, if the total project expenditure on row 33 is showing as a negative figure please continue and submit your application. We will resolve this issue after the funding round has closed.

Cultural Anchors Downloadable forms

Please note: The application window is now closed.